Note: We’ve kept the name of this case study anonymous, based on their request.
A landlord with three rental properties, one in Scotland and two in England, was worried about the future of his Scottish property. With an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, the property risked becoming unrentable due to proposed upcoming legislation that would require rental properties to have a minimum EPC rating of C.
“At the beginning of 2023, I was concerned about my future ability to let the Scottish property, due to its low EPC rating,” the landlord told us. “I was trying to obtain information on how I could improve the situation. I was concerned that if I was unable to increase the EPC rating at a reasonable cost, I’d be forced into selling the property.”
The landlord initially approached his letting agent for advice. They suggested contacting Home Energy Scotland, a free Scottish Government-funded advice service. But they were unable to provide specific recommendations about the landlord’s property or suggest energy assessors to speak with due to having to remain impartial.
Finding a solution with Snugg
Determined to find a solution, the landlord decided to look online for an energy assessor who could help him improve his property’s EPC rating. And that’s when he discovered Snugg.
“I was really just looking for someone to provide an assessment of my property with an exact plan of how I could improve the EPC,” he says. “My searches for an assessor were fruitless until I came across Snugg.”
After receiving a free energy efficiency plan through Snugg, the landlord was promptly contacted by Heat Save Scotland, a local energy efficiency partner. They arranged to view the property and provide advice on the most impactful efficiency measures.
During the inspection, Heat Save Scotland’s assessor discovered that the property’s loft was fully insulated, contrary to the existing EPC’s assumption. But she recommended some simple efficiency improvements, nonetheless, including upgrading heating controls and changing the light bulbs to LEDs.
Ready for the future
Thanks to finding Snugg and the advice received from Heat Save Scotland, the landlord was able to improve his property’s EPC rating from an E to a C with minimal cost. And he now has the reassurance that he’s ready for any introduction of minimum energy efficiency standards.
“I'm thankful I came across Snugg and am delighted with the subsequent help provided by their installation partner, Heat Save Scotland,” says the landlord. “I’m happy that I can now confidently let my property for the foreseeable future.”
With his property now meeting the Scottish Government’s possible upcoming energy efficiency requirements, the landlord can continue to let his property without worrying about being forced to sell.